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It’s been a quiet week here. Lots of changes in the wind. Lots of ideas percolating for this blog. One thing I’ve wanted to share for a long time is my daily walk.

Just down the street from my house is a trail that takes me into the town woods — affectionately known as Fairyland.

(For a better view, click on each photo.)

Entrance to Fairyland

It’s not so easy, however, to take photos while keeping tabs on a busy puppy. My husband, Paul, joined us yesterday, leaving my hands free to hold a camera.

Entering the birch grove.

The trail is marked with quotes by Henry David Thoreau, who once wandered these woods.

Thoreau's reflection on the white birch

No wonder, then, that the white birch is so prevalent and characteristic a tree with us and that the seedling birches spring up every year on so many neglected spots, but especially where the surface has been cleared or burned.

And there are other markers and whimsy as we wander down the trail.

Karina communes with the Lorax

And totems big and small left by fellow wanderers.

Bejeweled rock pile

Trail guard

And this large rock pile seen through the trees. From this angle, it reminds me of a snowman in what so far has been an almost snowless winter.  For years it has been knocked down and replaced with amazing regularity. One early morning my dearly departed Hobbes and I came across its maker sitting next to it with his dog. I was too shy to ask him what he was doing.

Old totem at the crossroads.

But my favorite totems are made by Mother Nature.

Cross in the woods

Fairy steps

New needles

Karina and I start every day this way. Thanks for joining us!

All walked out